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Multi Round Robin Tournament Management

Code for Showing the Winners List Box On Your Website

On your website you can add any of the following boxes that contain the winner for each group in the tournament.

you can have the winners list box for:
  • this exact tournament
  • the latest single or double tournament from this club
  • the latest single or double tournament from this club that has a specific string in the tournament name

This tournament
This box shows the winners for this exact tournament. It will never change and you should manually remove the code from the page once that this winners list is not longer wanted. To include this winners list box to your site, copy and past the following code into your page.

<!-- Tournament winners list - One specific tournament - begin -->
<!-- See //www.multiroundrobin.com/winners_list_box_instruction.php for instructions for customizing your box -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//www.multiroundrobin.com/css/mrr_winners_list.css" />
if (typeof mrr_cnt === 'undefined') var mrr_cnt=0; else mrr_cnt++;
document.write("<div id='mrr_whole_box_"+mrr_cnt+"' class='mrr_whole_box'></div>");
document.write("<script src='//www.multiroundrobin.com/winners_list_js/t/376/winners.js?cnt="+mrr_cnt+"' type='text/javascript' async><\/scr" + "ipt>");
<!-- Tournament winners list - end -->

"San Diego Table Tennis Association" latest single tournament
This box shows the winners list of the latest single tournament played in this club. The list will automatically change as soon as the winner list from a newest tournament is ready; therefore, you never have to change the code on the page. To include this winners list box to your site, copy and past the following code into your page.

<!-- Tournament winners list - Latest played tournament - begin -->
<!-- See //www.multiroundrobin.com/winners_list_box_instruction.php for instructions for customizing your box -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//www.multiroundrobin.com/css/mrr_winners_list.css" />
// Change the values inside the double quotes on the next 2 lines to customize your winners list
var mrr_type = "single"; // Valid values: single, double, any
var mrr_selector = "";

if (typeof mrr_cnt === 'undefined') var mrr_cnt=0; else mrr_cnt++;
document.write("<div id='mrr_whole_box_"+mrr_cnt+"' class='mrr_whole_box'></div>");
document.write("<script src='//www.multiroundrobin.com/winners_list_js/c/11/winners.js?cnt="+mrr_cnt+"&tty="+mrr_type+"&sel="+encodeURIComponent(mrr_selector)+"' type='text/javascript' async><\/scr" + "ipt>");
<!-- Tournament winners list - end -->

"San Diego Table Tennis Association" latest single tournament with the same name as this one
This box shows the winners list of the latest single tournament played at this club that has a specific string the name of the tournament. The list will automatically change as soon as the winner list from a newest tournament is ready; therefore, you never have to change the code on the page. This code can be used in case 2 or more tournaments are played together or almost together, like, for example, if you have male and female tournaments played on the same week. To include this winners list box to your site, copy and past the following code into your page.

<!-- Tournament winners list - Latest played tournament - begin -->
<!-- See //www.multiroundrobin.com/winners_list_box_instruction.php for instructions for customizing your box -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//www.multiroundrobin.com/css/mrr_winners_list.css" />
// Change the values inside the double quotes on the next 2 lines to customize your winners list
var mrr_type = "single"; // Valid values: single, double, any
var mrr_selector = "Thursday Night Round Robin";

if (typeof mrr_cnt === 'undefined') var mrr_cnt=0; else mrr_cnt++;
document.write("<div id='mrr_whole_box_"+mrr_cnt+"' class='mrr_whole_box'></div>");
document.write("<script src='//www.multiroundrobin.com/winners_list_js/c/11/winners.js?cnt="+mrr_cnt+"&tty="+mrr_type+"&sel="+encodeURIComponent(mrr_selector)+"' type='text/javascript' async><\/scr" + "ipt>");
<!-- Tournament winners list - end -->

See the winners list box instructions for more documentation on how to include the code to show the boxes on your page(s).

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