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Multi Round Robin Tournament Management

SDTTA - San Diego Table Tennis Association

Members Rating

Rank Name Rating Doubles
1st Shant Akoubian 1770
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No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
2nd Jaxon Farris 1693
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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3rd behnam kazemi 1651
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
4th German Camarillo 1613
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
5th yael sanchez 1604
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
6th Umiko Muraoka 1538
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
7th Ruben Guilloty 1531
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
8th Sunil Bulla 1512
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
9th Salam Semaan 1498
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
10th Daniel Naamo 1427
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
11th Gael Camarillo 1291
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
12th Maurizio Bassi 1241
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
13th Dennis Seisun 1092
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
14th Militza Ibarra 786
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
15th Eliza Vedar 684
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
16th julian samaan 507
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.

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